Scholastic Aptitude Test

Get into your dream undergrad program at top University with SAT
Top Features
  • The SAT is an examination that is mandatory for individuals seeking admission to international higher education institutions and professional registration.
  • Its primary objective is to evaluate the suitability of applicants for undergraduate programs offered by universities and colleges.
  • Test takers are evaluated in a variety of subjects, including mathematics, reading, writing, and language.
  • Some universities and colleges located outside the United States also consider SAT scores as part of their admission criteria.
  • The SAT is classified as a standardised test, ensuring that all test takers receive identical instructions and that their performance is evaluated using consistent criteria.

Who should take the SAT?

The SAT is an essential requirement for the college application process. It is one of the elements that universities take into account when deciding who gets admitted. You need to treat the SAT seriously and study for it if you intend to apply to colleges.

Training for SAT at Aerostar Overseas

We provide an all-inclusive SAT prep program that covers everything from the Math and Reading portions to the Essay and Writing areas of the test. With the aid of our SAT prep course, students can ace the exam and enrol in the college of their choice.

We have qualified trainers to assist you in achieving your study abroad goal!

Experienced Faculties

Experienced and well-trained faculties with extensive subject knowledge, always striving to impart the best training and provide the right guidance.


Aerostar Overseas envisions providing comprehensive training to students through diverse content options. Our approach combines classroom instruction with hardcopy books, online resources, and live video training. Each student receives personalised portal access, recognizing their unique needs. We strive to offer flexibility and convenience, enabling convenient studying. Our dedicated trainers are readily available in person and over the phone, ensuring continuous guidance and support.

Portal for Aerostar Overseas Prep

Unique access is given to all students for accessing content. Live video class adds to your preparation.

Mock exams

It is important to be well-prepared in order to achieve the best results. We offer mock tests so that you can practise before the actual exam. This not only helps you score higher but also gives you a better perspective on the exam. It is a crucial part of your exam preparation.

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