Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance: Unleash Happy Journeys!

Travel worry-free with our affordable insurance! Enjoy the best prices and comprehensive medical coverage for your overseas trip. Stay protected and have a happy flight with our fundamental travel insurance policy.

How Does it Work?

step 1

Medical Costs

Medical expenses and emergency repatriation coverage for injuries or illnesses abroad.

step 2

Emergency Evacuation Prep

Hassle-free travel readiness for uncertain situations. Addressing limitations and concerns, ensuring you're prepared.

step 3

Relocation And Evacuation

Medical Emergency Support During Travel. Stay Safe with Study Abroad's Relocation & Evacuation Assistance.

step 4

Airport Transfers

Smooth trips from the airport to campus. Study Abroad ensures hassle-free journeys.

Questions and Answers

Is it necessary to purchase travel insurance?

Is a medical exam required for purchasing the policy?

Insurance companies often refuse to cover pre-existing conditions. As a result, it is usually wise to inquire about the medical examinations and reports that must be provided throughout the application process with the agent or insurance provider.

Is it possible to extend the travel insurance policy?

Please read the policy documents before purchasing the policy. Some insurance, particularly those covering overseas travel, do provide one or two extensions.

Is it necessary to get prior approval from the insurance company before beginning medical treatment if the need arises?

It is important to read the policy documents so that you are prepared if such an event arises. Although there may be exceptions based on the nature of the emergency, prior consent is usually required.